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Black And White Meditation 45 #DigitalArt by Vanessa Schlachtaub Bruni © |
Truly a lot of them never died but re-born immediately back in Orion.
But for an enlightened being like them it is an awful pain to participate to a war... it is a spiritual torture.
But they did... they were born on Earth to put an end to that horror... a lot of them from Sirius were born either here to see ending their lives in terrible ways as all we know.
But the evil of Planet Earth, to make money with wars and death... it is just continuing nowadays.
Innocent and harmless people on Planet Earth get insulted and ignored, they get exploited... their work, intellectual and physical work, is exploited... while the evil beings without scruples get away with practically anything.
Then a lot of us, also from Pleiades, were born in massive number starting from the 1950s. I know that a lot of Pleiadians were born here in Italy too. But soon was made a plan to keep the things as blocked as possible.
Many people know that many intelligent and sensitive people have simply to escape from Italy if they want to live with dignity.
And Italy is a rich Country.
It doesn't matter the injustices... the important thing for those evil creatures is maintain the status quo.
They are very similar to a very famous dictator of the past that used to kill literally everyone that appeared to be more intelligent... simply to keep his own power intact.
Talking in the Truth - Vanessa
PS... and here I also write in two languages:
L'eresia del pianeta Terra è la mancanza di rispetto per le donne. E l'attribuzione alle donne dell'origine del male.
Le forze oscure del pianeta Terra danno sempre la colpa alle donne per tutto.
Anche quando i servizi segreti organizzano organizzazioni terroristiche, pensano spesso a nomi che oltraggiano le donne e la Dea.
Due esempi lampanti: in Italia le famigerate brigate rosse hanno per simbolo la stella di Venere...
mentre il gruppo terroristico di moda in questo momento offende il nome della Dea Isis.
Comunque l'eresia terrestre sta facendo scandalo in tutto l'Universo.
Questo pianeta è ben noto per aver bruciato e bastonato donne che dicono o vivono la verità...
Comunque la gente sta aprendo gli occhi anche qui.
Questa dittatura terrestre funziona in maniera molto semplice, semplice, ma demoniaca: dice che la donna è la fonte del male, oppure che la donna deve andare in giro tutta coperta di nero perché sennò è una vergogna vederla...
vi immaginate l'idea che nasce nei figli di queste donne... nasce l'idea di essere stati generati da una fonte indegna.
E questo è il primo passo per cancellare la libertà di ogni persona.
The heresy of the planet Earth is the lack of respect for women. And the award to the women of the origin of evil.
The dark forces of planet Earth always blame women for everything.
Even when the secret services... or better... a dark side of them... organize terrorist organizations, they often think to names that outrage women and the Goddess.
Two obvious examples: the infamous Red Brigades in Italy have as sign the star of Venus ...
while the terrorist group of fashion right now offends the name of the Goddess Isis.
However heresy land scandal - Planet Earth - and more then else the dark rulers that command here are well known throughout the Universe.
This planet is well known to have burned and beaten women who say their opinion or are living in the truth ...
However people is waking up here. Too many of us were born from enlightened and ancient civilizations....
This dictatorship on planet Earth works in a very simple, simple, but demonic way... says that the woman is the source of evil, or that women should go around all covered in black because otherwise it's a shame to see them ...
can you imagine the idea that born in the children of these women ... the idea that they were generated by an unworthy source.
And this is the first step to remove the freedom of every person.